Figure Times are for Figure Skaters all ages looking to hone their individual figure skating skills. 

Click HERE to view Figure Time schedule


  • Cost: $25 per person, per session
    • (50min/ 1hr20min sessions are currently same admission price - $25)
      • Anyone intersted in skating in back to back 50min sessions must pay $50
  • Figure Skate Rentals: $7
  • Figure Skate Sharpenings: $12

Figure Time Rules & Guidelines

(Check Figure Time schedule frequently as updates can be made without notice. Figure Times are subject to change.)

  • All are welcome- must have Figure Skates, no hockey skates are allowed
  • No group/synchronized skating allowed
  • Must sign our Mullins Center waiver upon checking in at reception desk. Skaters under the age of 18 must be accompanied by a Parent or Guardian
  • Skate Sharpening available upon request ($12)
  • Must be respectful of other skaters space on the ice and mindful of keeping yourself and others around you in a safe environment for all recreational figure skaters attending