Step-by-Step Instruction

Mullins Center and UMass Athletics tickets will be distributed through mobile delivery and accessed by ticketholders through smartphone digital wallets. The move to mobile ticketing allows for faster delivery of tickets to guests, contactless transactions at gates, and more flexibility for ticketholders.

Available on these mobile platforms





Downloading from MyAccount

ATH24 - Downloading from my account 1.png

ATH24 - Downloading from my account 2.png

ATH24 - Downloading from my account 3.png

ATH24 - Downloading from my account 4.png


ATH24 - Downloading from my account 6 (1).png

How To Transfer Tickets

ATH24 - Transferring Tickets 1.png

ATH24 - Transferring Tickets 2.png

ATH24 - Transferring Tickets 3.png

ATH24 - Transferring Tickets 4.png

ATH24 - Transferring Tickets 5.png

ATH24 - Transferring Tickets 6.png

ATH24 - Transferring Tickets 7.png

Accept the Transfer

ATH24 - Accept the Transfer 1.png

ATH24 - Accept the Transfer 2.png

ATH24 - Accept the Transfer 3.png

ATH24 - Accept the Transfer 4.png

ATH24 - Accept the Transfer 5.png